Query : If the code words for AAL know, want to know their city, country, then "Please input keywords," the input on it. Because of the limited information available, the Chinese interpreter, incomplete, and request understanding! |
Query : If the code words for AAL know, want to know their city, country, then "Please input keywords," the input on it. Because of the limited information available, the Chinese interpreter, incomplete, and request understanding! |
City(English) | City(Chinese) | Country | Code | TOL | | PAPUA NEW GUINEA巴布亞新幾內(nèi)亞 | TLO | TOLEDO | | BRAZIL巴西 | TOW | TOLEDO | | UNITED STATES美國(guó)(OH) | TOL | TOLITOLI | | INDONESIA印度尼西亞 | TLI | TOLU | | COLOMBIA哥倫比亞 | TLU | TOLUCA | | MEXICO墨西哥 | TLC | TOM PRICE | | AUSTRALIA澳大利亞 | TPR | TOMANGGONG | | MALAYSIA馬來西亞 | TMG | TOMBOUCTOU | | MALI馬里 | TOM | TOMSK | | RUSSIA俄羅斯(in Asia) | TOF | TONGHUA | | CHINA中國(guó) | TNH | TONGLIAO | | CHINA中國(guó) | TGO | TONGOA | | VANUATU瓦努阿圖 | TGH | TONGREN | | CHINA中國(guó) | TEN | TONU | | PAPUA NEW GUINEA巴布亞新幾內(nèi)亞 | TON | TOOWOOMBA | | AUSTRALIA澳大利亞 | TWB | TOPEKA | 托皮卡 | UNITED STATES美國(guó)(KS) | TOP | TOREMBI | | PAPUA NEW GUINEA巴布亞新幾內(nèi)亞 | TCJ | TOROKINA | | PAPUA NEW GUINEA巴布亞新幾內(nèi)亞 | TOK | TORONTO | 多倫多 | CANADA加拿大 | YTO | TORORO | | UGANDA烏干達(dá) | TRY | TORREON | | MEXICO墨西哥 | TRC | TORRES | | VANUATU瓦努阿圖 | TOH | TORSBY | | SWEDEN瑞典 | TYF | TORTOLA | | VIRGIN ISLANDS(BRITISH)英屬維爾京群島 | TOV | TORTOLI | | ITALY意大利 | TTB | TORTUQUERO | | COSTA RICA哥斯達(dá)黎加 | TTQ | TOTTORI | | JAPAN日本 | TTJ | TOUBA | | COTE D’IVOIRE科特迪瓦 | TOZ | TOUGAN | | BURKINA FASO布基納法索 | TUQ |